A click will do the trick! So recently I read about this new, adorable little button that will make life so much easier, a Pressy. This 7mm button can make all of your everyday features extra simplified! Easily connected, all you have to do is plug into your smart phones headphone jack and away you… Read More

Phone batteries measure outdoor weather With the aim to figure out and locate the world’s wireless networks, Open Signal began gathering data on battery performance, since poor signal can lead to increased battery consumption. Using their Android app they were able to determine the metrics of charge level, voltage and battery temperature. Combining daily battery temperature readings to city level… Read More

So, a couple of hours after I publish the post on Friday, the Guardian reveal that GCHQ are essentially downloading the internet. All of it. Daily. “Mastering the Internet” they modestly call it. I suspect the Internet might have a view on that. How to Respond When they Want Access to Everything Simple: Time for some good old-fashioned British… Read More